Keynote Topics for Conferences...
Bonnie and Nan are pleased to offer keynotes teaching on the women they portray in the musical "Women Who Dare to Believe." Mixed into the keynotes are short scenes and musical pieces from the play.
Women Who Dare to Believe...They Are Enough (An overview study of Rachel and Leah)
Two sisters, one unattractive, one infertile, both unhappy. Neither one believed they were enough. We explore how women in our culture face the same challenge. Are we enough? What "Jacob" in our lives are we trying to please? What "Labans" have deceived us? How can we find our affirmation in the mirror of God's eyes? In spite of their hardships, pain and insecurities these women were used by God to birth the 12 tribes of Israel. God uses us, with all our human frailty to birth new dreams. In Him we are more than enough. Our Father sees us as His beloved daughters.
Women Who Dare to Believe...When God Says "No" (A study of Anna)
God had been silent for 400 years. The people of God were oppressed by Roman rule. She had been a widow for 84 years and spent her days in the temple as close as she could get to the Holy of Holies. Had God forgotten His promise of a Messiah? Anna chose to believe in spite of personal hardship, in spite of God's silence. Because of her faithfulness, at last she sees the baby Jesus and breaks the 400 year silence with her praise of His arrival! We speak to seasons in our own lives of infertility, divorce recovery, depression and doubt. When God seems to be saying, 'no', in Christ Jesus all of God's work is a 'yes'. We honor the "Annas" in each women's group, bringing them onto the platform for a brief interview of how they have seen God work after years of waiting on Him. When God seems to be silent in our lives, there is a coming day of joy and fulfillment of promise to those who are willing to believe.
Women Who Dare to Believe...No Matter the Cost
(A study of Jochebed, mother of Moses and Mary, mother of Jesus)
Two mothers, separated by centuries, make the same choice to take great risk in giving birth to their sons. Jochebed defies the government mandate to abort her child and risks her life to keep him alive. Mary faces public ridicule the rest of her life for giving birth to the son conceived in her before she was married. Both women face the unknown and fulfill their destinies simply by walking in faith and taking the next right step. We speak to how these brave fore-sisters model for us authentic courage in Christ. In studying their choices we can find renewed faith to launch our dreams into His hands -- to echo "Be it done unto me according to Thy will". We too can dare to see what God will do when we trust Him with the people and situations most dear to our heart.